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The National Commemorations of the First World War Centenary

26 June 2018

Two year 9 students Ludmila and Melissa were selected to represent Parkwood Academy at a unique opportunity to be part of The National Commemorations of the First World War Centenary travelling to Belgium and France. They were able to handle WW1 artefacts and be part of the Ceremony of the Last post at the Menin Gate (Ypres). Over the course of three days the students visited The French, English and Germany cemeteries at Langemark, Tyne Cot, Caterpillar Valley as well as the Beaumont Hamel Newfoundland Memorial Park and Thiepval Memorial. They walked in the shoes of Hitler and experienced what it would have been like to live in the trenches. They searched for and found one of our local Sheffield soldiers that gave his life during the WW1 and laid a cross from Parkwood Academy to show that we remember him and every solider like him. To finish the tour they attended The Coming World remember Me Installation which is a symbol of peace that transcends both time and geographical borders representing the 600,000 people that lost their lives on the Flanders soil during the conflict.


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The National Commemorations of the First World War Centenary