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Y11 Virtual Progress Evening

6 November 2020


Dear parent/carer


Year 11 Virtual Progress Evening – Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th November 2020 from 4pm – 6pm.


We are holding a progress evening for your child on Wednesday 11th November and Thursday 12th November 2020.  This will be an opportunity for you to speak with all of your child’s subject teachers about their progress and effort.  In order to allow staff time to set up for the evening, Y11 students will be leaving the academy at 3.15pm on both days.

Due to the current climate we are unable to hold any of our progress evenings in the academy, and as such we will be contacting parents on both evenings, either by phone or virtually via TEAMs.  Your child will be sent home with an appointment card which will enable you to see appointment times.  If you can please check the times available on your child’s appointment card, so that when they are next in school, we can book your preferred time in, endeavouring to accommodate everyone for their chosen times.   If you prefer for contact to be made via TEAMs, can you please provide us with your email details.

You will be provided with a verbal report that outlines your child’s progress, effort and attendance.  You and your child will have the opportunity to discuss the contents with your child’s subject teachers.  We look forward to speaking with you on either Wednesday 11th or Thursday 12th November.   If we are unable to speak with you on either of these dates, then your child’s subject teachers will endeavour to contact you over the next few weeks.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Cottingham


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Y11 Virtual Progress Evening