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Work Experience?

Work Experience Letter

Work Experience week for Y10 students is 17th – 21st June 2024

It is coming up the time of the Year 10 work experience week taking place on 17th – 21st June. This is a crucial part of their learning and can help test out a career area and gain new skills. Students can secure a placement in two ways and your support is appreciated in both of these areas.

Find their own placement

Students can arrange placements through family or friends or by approaching employers in their local community. When an organisation agrees to offer a placement they must complete the “Self sourced placement” form and the student should return to Mrs Hanson. The form requires information about the role, health and safety and insurance details. The final deadline for these forms to be received is 15th May. The form has been distributed in school but can also be found here

Opportunities shared through school

There are a wide range of opportunities that have been shared with students regularly since Christmas. Students complete a short form to express interest found here or speak to Mrs Hanson. Please look through the opportunities below with your child to see if there are any that could suit them.

Additional Support available

Students can speak to their form teachers or Mrs Hanson if they would like further support or have ideas for a specific placement they would be keen to find. They can attend the work experience drop in on Mondays after school in 203 or Wednesday lunchtime in the café also. We are working closely with the SEN team to support students who may need additional support with opportunities also and communicate closely with placement providers to ensure they aware of additional needs.

Virtual work experience

In addition to the in person work experience week in June, students have the opportunity to take up virtual work experience through www.springpod.com . National companies such as Siemens, Airbus, Pets at Home, NHS and Met Office currently have programmes available. These are certificated programmes that can help students gain skills and insights. These progrogrammes can be completed at home, during holiday time or Mondays after school in 203.

Further questions?

We appreciate your support and encouragement for your child to ensure they can benefit from this experience. You are welcome to contact Caroline Hanson directly if you have any questions on the school number or caroline.hanson@pwa.e-ac.uk


How to apply for a place at Parkwood Find Out More
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Work Experience?