Welcome to our upcoming Y7 families for 24/25 Academic Year! Please click the link below or scroll down on the homepage and click the red splash to access our transition page!

Y6 Transition Page

How we support our students

At E-ACT Parkwood Academy we take great pride in the quality of pastoral care we provide, ensuring that every student is known and feels valued.

At E-ACT Parkwood Academy we pride ourselves on the excellent pastoral care we provide; ensuring each student is happy, safe and settled in their environment. It is important to us that all students develop into confident, hard-working and ambitious young people.

Each Key Stage has a structure that allows students to feel supported both academically and emotionally, through the support of a skilled team of pastoral leaders.


Every student is a member of a form group within their year group. Personal Development form sessions are held daily and led by a form tutor. Form tutors are the first layer of support and guidance and a constant and reliable presence. It is their role to monitor attendance, punctuality, behaviour , uniform and equipment standards on a daily basis.


Weekly assemblies  keep all students informed of local, national and international events. Half termly celebration assemblies allow all year groups to celebrate success.


Year GroupProgress ManagerSLT Link
Year 7Miss Moat
Mr Henderson
Year 8Mr Royston
Mr Swallow
Year 9Mr Thompson
Mrs Paine
Year 10Mrs Doughty
Mrs Windle

Mr Moat
Year 11Mr Cheatle Daniel.Cheatle@pwa.e-act.org.ukMr Rogers

Mr Tyers
How to apply for a place at Parkwood Find Out More
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How we support our students