Welcome to our upcoming Y7 families for 24/25 Academic Year! Please click the link below or scroll down on the homepage and click the red splash to access our transition page!

Y6 Transition Page

Student leadership

At E-ACT Parkwood Academy we strive for outstanding leadership at all levels. We are passionate about helping to shape our students into confident, reliable and ambitious leaders of the future.

Students can develop their leadership skills through:

  • Junior leadership team
  • School ambassadors
  • Language leaders
  • Sports leaders
  • Music ambassadors
  • Climate change committee
  • Diversity group
  • The anti-bullying ambassadors scheme (Re-launch)
  • Student council (Re-launch)

We firmly believe that Student Leadership and Student Voice are crucial for  the development and improvement of our academy. As a result we encourage all students to be involved, as we truly value their opinions and ideas. There are several different roles and responsibilities that students can apply for at our academy and as a result they access a access a number of different opportunities across the year including;

•Suggesting new ideas for rewards systems;

•suggesting new ideas for school visits

•ideas for the continuous improvement pupil well being;

•delivering school campaigns;

•giving feedback on attendance and providing ideas for rewarding and encouraging good attendance;

•taking part in fundraising events, supporting community events;

•supporting Year 6 Transition Evenings

•influencing and shaping the development of the school as a community

•delivering assemblies, taking part in consultations and taking part in community projects.

Y10 Sports Leaders

Y9 Sports Leaders and some in action

Language ambassadors


Staff and Student quotes:

We want all students at Parkwood to influence academy decision making and work together to make the academy the best it can be!

For more information, please contact Gregg.henderson@pwa.e-act.org.uk

How to apply for a place at Parkwood Find Out More
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Student leadership