Welcome to our upcoming Y7 families for 24/25 Academic Year! Please click the link below or scroll down on the homepage and click the red splash to access our transition page!

Y6 Transition Page


31 October 2019

Parkwood Academy appeal for “cosy clothes” for our Year 7 students attending the residential trip to Lockerbrook in November/December 2019.

The appeal comes as we recognise the need for suitable waterproof clothing and footwear for some of our disadvantaged students. The weather is getting colder and many families do not have the means to buy boots and waterproof clothing for their children for a specific trip.

Parkwood Academy is launching a campaign to try to provide students in need, with the opportunity and equipment to enjoy the experience of an exciting and challenging residential trip, with waterproof clothing and suitable footwear.

We are looking for donations of coats, sturdy shoes and boots, hats, gloves and scarves for students at Y7.

We are very much focused on giving all our students the best experience we can, and through the support of our community we hope to make the event even better.

Donations can be handed in to Parkwood Academy reception Monday- Friday 9am–4pm,

Thank you for your support.


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