Welcome to our upcoming Y7 families for 24/25 Academic Year! Please click the link below or scroll down on the homepage and click the red splash to access our transition page!

Y6 Transition Page

Leave of Absence Term Time

In line with the DfE and Sheffield City Council’s latest policy we are no longer able to authorise term-time leave for any of our students unless under exceptional circumstances.

All requests should be made in writing to the Principal well in advance by parents or carers, only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence.

Requests for absence for reasons such as holiday, compassionate leave, special family events, sporting or musical competitions, etc. should also be made in the same way.

If term-time leave is taken, the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’ and may result in a fine being issued in line with the Sheffield Local Authority guidelines.

We do not encourage parents to take students away from valuable learning as we do have 13 weeks holiday per year.

Please note that absence will not be authorised for reasons such as shopping for uniform, birthdays, day trips, weekends away etc.

You should also be aware that, with immediate effect, any absence of 20 days or more may result in your child losing their place at Parkwood.  You will then need to re-apply for your child’s place through the Admissions Department at the Local Authority.  You need to be aware that places may no longer be available in your child’s year group as we have a waiting list and as such, it is likely that you will be given a place at another school. Following our recent Ofsted, the academy was awarded a ‘Good’ judgement which means that more parents will be applying to Parkwood for a place for their child.

For absences between 10 and 19 days, We will take similar, robust action in terms of holding your child’s place at Parkwood.

It is a legal requirement that parents ensure their child attends school. If they are not in school, then they are not learning or making progress and evidence suggests that there is a correlation between good attendance and achievement.

It could also become a safeguarding issue as your son/daughter is not accessing education and this could result in a referral to social care.

We reserve the right to apply to the Local Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.

Term time leave form


How to apply for a place at Parkwood Find Out More
We recommend
Leave of Absence Term Time