Welcome to our upcoming Y7 families for 24/25 Academic Year! Please click the link below or scroll down on the homepage and click the red splash to access our transition page!

Y6 Transition Page

Extracurricular Clubs & Enrichment

At E-ACT Parkwood Academy, we offer extra-curricular opportunities and activities outside the main curriculum.

The opportunity to learn skills and participate in activities that develop young people are important and contribute enormously to our students’ social and academic development.

We understand the importance of learning outside of the classroom, therefore we offer a range of activities that have strong links to specific subjects, yet offering something  different, for example ‘Climate change club’ – Geography, ‘Gaming club’ – Computing or ‘Bike repair club – DT.

In addition to this we have a vast array of different sports clubs available for our students, in order to offer the amount of sports that we do, pupils will get selection of sports to choose from each term (eg. football in September, basketball in January, rounders in April).  Please click on the button below to view our most recent ‘Extra-curricular Timetable’

extra-curricular half term 6

We offer these activities because we want the pupils to enjoy themselves, however we do understand the theory behind offering the array of clubs that we do, Please click on the button below to view our most recent ‘Extra-curricular Rationale Booklet’

Extra Curricular rationale booklet

During the academic year, the students will be given the opportunity to participate in both internal and external enrichment activities. During 21-22 academic year we have organised various external trips such as; theatre trips, university visits, museum exhibitions and professional sports events. Internally we are not limited to what we can offer, examples from this academic year include; flamenco dance sessions, circus workshops, a STEM day linking to criminology and robotics and visits from inspirational speakers.

We give students the ability to develop their entrepreneurial and charitable skills, by tasking them with fundraising activities for our local charities. An example of this is the Food Bank project, collecting food donations which are delivered to Burngreave Foodbank. This charity was chosen by our students. We also hold a Ramadan charity event where pupils bake and sell cakes, sell authentic cuisine, provide henna tattoos and hold a raffle.

We also offer students the opportunity to complete a bronze level Duke of Edinburgh award and to be part of the ‘Brilliant Club’ (in partnership with University of Sheffield) in Year 9.

Our enrichment is always developing so please contact us if you think there is something that your child would like to do and we will try our best to include it in the next term’s programme.

Please email kayleigh.oldershaw@pwa.e-act.org.uk for more information.

Click here for extra-curricular schedules:

Year 7   Year 8   Year 9   Year 10   Year 11


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Extracurricular Clubs & Enrichment