Welcome to our upcoming Y7 families for 24/25 Academic Year! Please click the link below or scroll down on the homepage and click the red splash to access our transition page!

Y6 Transition Page


 Uniform Shop – Now Open

All of our students wear the academy uniform to reflect a sense of belonging to the academy community.

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy Including Uniform Policy

Our aim is to encourage the highest standards in all that we do as an academy and this includes our expectations of students’ uniforms. Students should look smart at all times and are expected to wear their uniform with pride, acknowledging that when they are wearing the academy uniform, they are representing Parkwood.

Having consulted with students, we decided on smart ‘office style’ wear. The uniform is compulsory and comprises the following items for all students:

  • Black blazer with academy logo
  • Black v-necked jumper (sleeveless or long sleeved) with teal trim (optional)
  • Teal and black tie
  • Black trousers, knee length skirt or tailored shorts (in summer or at the headteachers discretion)
  • White shirt
  • Plain black shoes and NOT black trainers (no motifs or logos)
  • PE: Parkwood PE top, Parkwood PE Hoodie (in winter months), Black shorts/Black tracksuit bottoms/Black sports leggings.

Please note

  • The academy blazer is a compulsory part of the uniform and must be worn on and around the academy unless students are given permission by a member of staff to remove it
  • Jumpers are optional
  • Shalwar and kameez are acceptable if they are black and the academy blazer is worn over the top
  • Headscarves are allowed if they are teal, white or black
  • The following jewellery is allowed: a wrist watch and one small, plain sleeper/stud earring per ear. No facial piercings or tattoos are allowed
  • Makeup and hair colour should be natural looking
  • Students may not have their heads shaved with any designs, badges, waves or emblems.

We also have an opportunity to donate or acquire uniform through out ‘Pre-loved is Re-loved’ Scheme.

Please contact Kayleigh.Oldershaw@pwa.e-act.org.uk for more information.

The above items will also be available at Progress Evenings throughout the year.

All other uniform items – eg. Black blazers, ties and PE tops should be purchased online




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