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Updating Parents and Carers

17 March 2020

Frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus and academy response.

We understand that the news and continuing speculation surrounding the coronavirus has been unsettling for many of us. Our number one priority is the wellbeing of our students and staff, so to reassure parents and carers, we have put together the following FAQs which we plan to update on an ongoing basis.

In light of the Prime Minister’s comments that we should avoid mass gatherings and enact social distancing, why is the academy still open?

Much of the advice issued by the government in their latest briefing relates to the most vulnerable in society, including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. We have been advised by the government that all schools and academies should remain open. We therefore continue to run as normal, and we plan to keep in close contact with our parents and the wider academy community to ensure that all the necessary precautions are being taken.

What should I do if my child starts to feel unwell?

In the first instance, please see the latest guidance from the NHS (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19). I ask that if your child is advised to self-isolate, please let the academy know as soon as possible. Public Health England also advise that we continue to regularly wash our hands or use hand sanitiser, particularly after travelling on public transport.

What should I do if someone in my household starts to feel unwell?

The latest guidance from the government is that if anyone you live with starts to feel unwell, you should all stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person started to show symptoms of the virus. Click here (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19) for the latest NHS guidance.

What exactly is social distancing?

We are likely to hear the term social distancing being used a great deal over the coming weeks and months. For further information on what it might mean for you and your family, click here (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-social-distancing-and-for-vulnerable-people/guidance-on-social-distancing-for-everyone-in-the-uk-and-protecting-older-people-and-vulnerable-adults)

What other measures is the academy taking to protect my child?


Please rest assured that our cleaning team is carrying out additional cleaning around the academy including daily and deeper cleans of surfaces that are in regular use. We are also talking to students about the importance of washing their hands properly, catching coughs and sneezes and disposing of used tissues.

What action should I take if my child has a suppressed immune system or significant underlying medical conditions?

If your child has underlying medical conditions, and after having consulted NHS 111 you wish for them to stay at home as a precaution, please discuss this with your child’s head of year.

What happens if my child falls ill whilst at the academy?

All our staff are on alert for students who may display the key symptoms of the coronavirus. If students become unwell, they will be moved to a safe, isolated room until their parents can collect them and take them home.

How is the academy supporting my child if they are worried about the virus?

Please let us know if your child is feeling particularly anxious or is worried about their own wellbeing as well as that of their family. Our teachers are sensitive to the mood of our students and are well placed to provide reassurance and a listening ear. We are also regularly speaking to our students about the facts surrounding the virus as better understanding tends to reduce panic.

What will happen to my child’s education if the academy is temporarily closed?

If the academy is asked to close by the government, our staff will continue to work remotely and will remain in close contact with students using our online platforms. Homework will be set either online or through work packs. If the academy is temporarily closed, we want our students to understand that this is not a school holiday and that they are expected to continue to learn from home.

What will happen to upcoming exams?

If the arrangements for this year’s exams are in any way altered or delayed, all schools and academies throughout the country will be in the same position. Examination boards and universities are already in discussion about the alternatives should the planned schedule be changed, and we will of course advise our families as soon as we have any updates.

What will be happening to planned trips?

For information, the government has advised against any overseas trips, but domestic trips can be considered in line with the latest public health advice. We are looking at all trips on a case by case basis.

Thank you

We plan to remain in regular contact with you over the coming days, and we ask you to do the same if you have any questions or concerns. In the meantime, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support of the academy.


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Updating Parents and Carers