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New 2023 Ofsted Report

New Ofsted report 2023

Inspected on 28th and 29th March 2023 – The Office for standards in education, Children’s services and Skills (more commonly known as OFSTED) inspect academies and schools throughout England.

E-ACT Parkwood Academy had an Ofsted inspection in March 2023. The inspectors were delighted with what they saw when they were at our academy for two days and we continue to be a ‘Good’ school.

This is a fantastic achievement for our academy, and it cements the outstanding progress we have made. Take a look at some of the comments from the report:


‘Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. Leaders also provide extra activities that pupils will enjoy.’

‘The school provides a range of opportunities for pupils to learn beyond lessons.’

Well-being and SEND

There is a wide range of support available for pupils with SEND. Teachers use detailed knowledge of individual pupils to support them with their learning. As a result, most pupils with SEND meet their intended learning goals.


‘Teachers work hard alongside the pupils and encourage them to do their best.’

‘Leaders have put in place a high-quality programme of careers advice and guidance for pupils.’

Nurturing Environment

‘Leaders know this school well. They care for every pupil. Leaders are committed to making it a place where pupils get the best possible experiences.’


‘Pupils meet high expectations and behave well around the school and in their lessons. They are respectful towards each other and adults. Pupils say that bullying is rare.’


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New 2023 Ofsted Report